Keywords: Feeling Oppressed, Bitten Off More than you Can Chew, In the Home Stretch
The Ten of Wands shows up in a reading when you are at the verge of success...or transition. It is a card that is a reflection of the cards around it. If you have been working toward a goal, this card says hang in are about to achieve it. This card can also be a warning that you have taken on more than what is healthy. You have to learn to delegate. This is the last card in the suit of Wands meaning that for better or worse what you have been trying to achieve is about to manifest its final form. If this card shows up in a relationship reading it says you are feeling oppressed by some pattern that has taken root with the other person. Are you walking on eggshells? Do you feel like you are taking more responsibility or care in the relationship? Sometimes it means that you have a problem with commitment or have committed to the wrong person. In any case, things are about to wrap up one way or another and you won't be able to miss the result.
Reversed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.