Keywords: Security vs Growth, Solid Finances, Guarding your Heart
If you've been ungrounded, this is a great card to pull. It really helps you get practical and easily make decisions. In money matters it shows sticking to budget (or maybe making one for the first time), investing wisely, starting a savings account and plan ... or maybe implementing all of these options! What the Four of Pentacles isn’t, is treating money as a totally expendable resource. On the emotional plane, this card points to someone who is terrified of vulnerability. This is especially true when the Chariot card is also present in the reading. If you are wondering how someone is feeling about you, they may never be able to tell you because the need for self protection is paramount. If this card is you, you may need to work on opening up. A person who is embodying the energy of the Four of Pentacles is scared of leaving their comfort zone and moving into new territory. Unfortunately this is exactly what they need to do to grow.
Reveresed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.