Keywords: Disappointment, Profound Sense of Lack, Emptiness, Abandonment
When the Five of Cups appears in your reading, a black hole is sucking out your life energy. This is usually due to a loss of some sort. Disappointment is a bitch, it is also a part of life. The trick is to not stay there if it visits you. Let yourself feel the heavy feelings, but at a certain point you need to move on. It is pointless to ask 'why' when there is no answer. Remember that on the card there are still two out of 5 cups standing...all is not lost. Pick up these cups and keep moving. Start saying 'Thank You that the worst is over' as you continuously move away from the pain. You will heal. This card can represent existential angst. We are born with a certain level of discontent. This is a spiritual situation and the 5 of Cups can be a push to find more meaning in life. In a relationship reading, this card sucks. It represents deep disappointment in a connection or person. It may trigger feeling abandoned. The Fives of the tarot tend to be challenging. They usually represent some sort of crossroads or crisis we need to work our way out of. You are adjusting your course in the middle stages of a journey.
Reversed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.