Keywords: Cutting Through Confusion, Rocky Start, Eventual Success, Building Your Skill Set
The Ace of Swords holds the potential energy of every card in its suit. This makes it extremely powerful. When you draw this card it emanates so much potential energy, it imbues every card in your reading with an added layer of meaning. Aces always bring in fresh future energy and in the case of Swords the Ace speaks to great ideas, a stroke of genius, cutting through bullshit and a stroke of unexpected fortune. When this Ace shows up you may be building up your skill set and technique through overcoming obstacles and troubleshooting. You are gaining valuable knowledge through direct experience. Nobody is interested in someone who has come from privilege and hasn’t had to have life experiences that build character and compassion! You are a warrior. Wield your sword of discernment and kick some ass. The new day is here.
Reversed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.