Keywords: Raw Emotion, A New Crush, Emotional Un-Thawing, New Feelings, Emotional Immaturity
The Page of Cups shows a situation where a new emotional experience is happening. It is a very vulnerable time period. If the feelings are squashed or ignored they will go back underground. Sometimes this is uncomfortable and sometimes it's blissful, but the emotions happening are important and natural. These feelings are not controllable, because feelings are the opposite being 'rational'. We cannot logic away falling in love, or it's ugly twin, feeling hatred. But if need be we can compartmentalize or deny or drink away unwanted feelings. This is the emotional equivalent of 'killing the messenger'. Our feelings are there for a reason. Listen to them! In a love reading the Page of Cups represents someone may have feelings for you, but is not mature enough to show you.
*All court cards represent an energy or an actual person who carries that particular energy. Reversed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.