Keywords: Making a Dream Reality, Ambitious, Personal Power
The energy of this card is one of the best for manifesting an idea. The firey illumination of personal vision mixes with the action of the king to create a real powerhouse of movement and creation. It takes a special energy to move something out of the thought zone and into reality. Now is the time! When the King of Wands shows up he is shouting ‘Do It Now’! Why wait until tomorrow? The vision is there, now is the time for implementation, especially if the Emperor shows up in your reading, too. You will never know unless you try. Please don’t let a fear of failure keep you from going for it. The King of Fire just goes forth, carried on excitement and inspiration. Let the outcome take care of itself! The King of Wands is most likely an entrepreneur (or rogue!) rather than a company man. He feels a need to burn rather than meander through life. We all have this side to us and he wants you to own it.
*All court cards represent an energy or an actual person who carries that particular energy.
Reversed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.