Keywords: Experiencing, Stretching Your Horizons, Fruitful Learning Experience, Multi-tasking
The Two of Cups shows up when it is time to collect experiences instead of ’things’. It is a great card to pull if you are setting out on some sort of adventure or a new phase in life. This card is about tasting, not devouring. Now is the time to try things out rather than commit. If this card comes up and you are in a particularly limited time period that doesn’t allow for a lot of options, it warns of burnout. If you are absolutely bound to the daily grind, realize that your energy output is not sustainable. Take action for self care now. In a love reading, the Two of Pentacles points to a casual relationship. If the other person’s feelings are being asked about they are probably on the rebound or not looking for something serious. If in a committed relationship, outside forces may be interfering in coming together.
Reveresed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.