Keywords: Good News, Being Charmed by Someone, Waves of Emotion, Change
The Knight of Cups is the quintessential romantic, and also an artist. This card represents following feelings and instinct to create change. This Knight usually brings good news to the questioner. But when this card shows up in a relationship reading you have to look to the other cards to indicate whether it is positive or negative portent. 'Charming' is a verb here, not a description, meaning that someone has an agenda. If their intentions are good, it means they are willing to show their attraction to you and their heart is honest. If their motivation is less than honorable, they have an ulterior motive to charm you, be it for power, money or conquest. This Knight can represent the ultimate player. As an outcome card, it represents a coming passion or an emotional sea change. *All court cards represent an energy or an actual person who carries that particular energy. Reversed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.