Keywords: Breakthrough, Strong Boundaries, Being Prepared, Last Ditch Effort
This card usually shows up when you've been involved in a challenging situation for a while. The end may or may not be in sight, but you are prepared to stand your ground. This is the 'drawing a line in the sand' card, meaning you are clear about your position and will not back down. Often times this shows up right before a big breakthrough, where you use your last bit of reserve for a final push. In a relationship reading it can be an ultimatum card. You may not know which way the relationship will go, but you do know that it is definitely going to change or die. Things just can't continue the way they have been and you (or the other person) have enough self respect to have a deal breaker if necessary. Boundaries are good for everyone and this card puts power behind the declaration of limits. This can be a card of self transformation if it shows up with the Temperance card. Self imposed limitations can lead to beautiful new growth and sacred space carved out for self can be life changing.
Reversed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.