Keywords: Patience, Waiting for your Reward, Tending to Details, No Shortcut
Patience Please! The Seven of Pentacles shows up when you have put a lot of energy into a project or situation and now it is time to build upon that foundation. You have started the ball rolling but it can only roll so fast. The situation is grounded, it now exists, but it needs to be nurtured to grow. You may have started a business, a healing path, a committed relationship or learning a language. But the message is the same, patience. Nothing can be forced at this time. In fact, time is the critical factor, not the by-product. Time is the investment. This is really the ’anti-hack’ card, meaning there is no shortcut for what you are asking about. In a relationship reading, this may be a time of adjustment. You may need to wait and see how things are going to turn out. The important message is that you cannot force an outcome nor another person to do what you want. Just sit back and see. This is especially true if the Hanged Man shows up in the reading. Give them space and do your own thing.
Reveresed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.