Keywords: Limitation, Being a Victim, Other People’s Problems
When the Eight of Swords shows up it is time to create a freedom plan. You are either holding yourself captive or allowing a situation or someone else to keep you captive. This card can last for years! It can be a bad relationship you need to leave or chronic singledom due to unconscious belief systems. Unlike the card of Temperance, where self-imposed limitation is empowering (focusing on a goal and getting rid of diversions and bad habits to see it through), the self-imposed limitation of the 8 of Swords is often times based on sub-conscious negative beliefs about the self. When this card shows up it is time for a life inventory and radical self-love and honesty with yourself and others. Set your self free! No one needs to live feeling like they are trapped. Even difficult situations can lose their grip with a change of perspective.
Reversed: I don't use reverse cards, as every card has inherently positive and challenging aspects, depending on the client and the reading.