If you are feeling like you are being blocked by obstacle after obstacle and your life is stagnating, here is a little spell to help move things along. What you will need: Purple candle Basil essential oil Small piece of paper Step One: Clear out and scrub clean your front entryway. Make sure your door opens all the way. Wash the floor with water with a few drops of basil oil and salt added or sprinkle salt on carpet and vacuum it up. When you pour the dirty water down the drain or throw out your vacuum bag, imagine your obstacle going with it. Having a clear entryway allows fresh energies and opportunities into your life. Step two: Rub some basil oil onto your purple candle and light it. Place it on your altar or a table. Sit down with your pen and paper and get centered. Step three: Get extremely clear on what needs to be moved out of the way and what your manifestation goal is. Remember the law of 3s – anything you put out to the universe comes back threefold. Make sure your desire harms no one or removes their personal will. Step 4: Write this vision down on one side of the paper. On the other side sketch a picture of an open road. Rub some basil oil on the paper and fold it up, with the sketch side out. Step 5: Visualize rolling down an open road and removing your obstacle(s) and moving past them. Carry your folded paper with you and read your vision everyday along with this visualization until things start moving again. When your goal is realized either bury the paper, burn it or throw it into moving water. Make sure to say thank you to the universe!
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April We are part of the natural world and there is a 'waking-upness' that happens when the days get longer and sunshine starts streaming in to the dark and dusty corners. The urge to spring clean is natural after the dark of winter. This is literal and figurative. Many of us might be having mixed emotions in April. We want to move towards the new, but might not know what that is yet. Or we may know what we want to create but don't know how. The important energy of this month is first noticing the urge for change and then not supressing it! The transition phase of an idea or urge taking its first steps into reality is the absolute most vulnerable point of any project, relationship or life goal. This is not usually a threat from the outside, but a lack of faith or a limiting belief or the crushing power of being 'realistic'. Nobody ever pushed through a boundry or innovated anything by being 'realistic'!!! So make space to listen to your heart and move out of that beautiful space into the new day. page of cups May Are you an 'Experiencer'? Get out and try new things in May. Like, several new things. The value will come in through the cross pollination of the situations working on you. Help yourself to a heaping helping of fresh experiences. What do you do besides work, shop and hang out? Well, do more! You don't even need money ( or at least alot of money) to add different ingredients to your daily reality recipe. Make space to be a wanderer in your own life. Production has no value and follow through is not a moral issue when you are just experiencing things. We forget to hold open space in our lives to allow new information in to even decide what we should choose or commit to. Fear of failure, looking like we aren't in control, discomfort at not having the answers are all traps that keep us in a limited existence. Curiosity can set you free. Capitalist society loves people who base their worth on their production value. But our true worth is that we are unique, beautiful souls born onto this planet for a short while. So stick it to the MAN by just enjoying life and cultivating new experiences. 2 of pentacles June
Just as the solstice this month brings us the longest day of the year, many of us will have a personal solstice on this life journey. This month will be a threshold month for many of us. Expect the best to happen. We will be feeling hopeful and have reason to be proud of our accomplishments. But sometimes, even when everything is going extremely well we still ask ' is this all that there is'? Every time we reach a goal, we want to go find a new goal. It is the human condition.But this month it would be great to sit tight and enjoy what you have. It is so hard for us to be present sometimes. Be grateful, breath deep, and don't force anything. If you are in a relationship take time to support and make space for your partner's individuality and personal goals outside the relationship.Whether we are partnered or single, we were all born onto our own unique life path, and this month it is time to celebrate that! Reap what you have sown, it is time to gather the fruits of your labor and self-discipline. 9 of pentacles |
AuthorHello! I am Xtina, an intuitive tarot reader based in the Pacific Northwest. 'Tarot Communique' is a space for my musings, inspirations and whatever else that comes up that I'd like to share! xo Top Blog Posts
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