![]() 🟎🟎🟎This is a post by special guest Susan Dumett We are living in uncertain times, and let's face it, we humans have a really hard time living with uncertainty. Some of us are facing real survival-related challenges right now, and being in a state of not knowing can exacerbate the stress of things. Yet, it is also the not knowing that can lead us into deeper strength, attuned insight, inner safety, and ultimately greater certainty--in ourselves and even the greater all that is. As a survivor of more than a few challenging times and things that taxed my mind, energy and nervous system so much that I developed a non-epileptic seizure disorder, I know that the way in is the way out. Exploring the uncomfortableness of stress and uncertainty, releasing habits of avoidance, disrupting the cycle of negative feelings and thoughts before they spiraled together into negative 'what-if' scenarios and tending to my body, mind, and spirit via modalities like energy healing, hypnosis, guided meditation and spiritual practice saved my life. These practices radically changed my life, too. Instead of living days in intense fear and reactivity, I stepped into a realm of security and certainty within myself. My nervous system eased. My thoughts defaulted to inspiration instead of desolation and despair. And my sight--both inner and outer--became more attuned to balance and neutrality, seeing more of all that is, as it is, without attaching drama, meaning, or negative stories to everything. This isn't avoidance or donning rose-colored glasses, it is a true state and practice of presence and energetic tending that can be cultivated and held even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. In your owning your energy, your power and presence, you automatically step into a level of personal certainty and safeness within that is invaluable--and that you have a right to experience. Use these strange times to do that healing and empowerment work that your heart is calling you to do. Intense feelings and energies are a sign that something in your world needs attention. Choose to turn towards it, rather than away--with gentleness, curiosity, an intention of healing as if you were tending to a child or a respected elder. You are more powerful than you realize, and there are many resources online and people, (including me and Xtina), who can help. You are worth it and you (and all that you are) are needed in these times. Please reach out with questions,to sign up for upcoming events and classes online, or to schedule as session. With much love, Susan www.auroramindandenergy.com
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Some Silver Linings during this time of Crisis In the midst of all the scary news about this new sickness that has rushed through our lives unexpectedly,there are little nuggets of unexpected positive change. We have all caught a glimpse into a world that could be. Where the water is clear in the sky is blue and mother Earth gets a chance to breathe deeply.
I was deeply moved to see the beauty of the clear waters that are now in Venice, Italy because it's not being overrun by tourists and boat traffic. see here This is after only one week! You could actually see the bottom of the canals and the little fishes swimming. Around the world, where everything has slowed down, mother nature has started healing (Nasa pictures of China during the lockdown.) It just goes to show how resilient this planet is if we just give it some space and time to heal. Humans are so intelligent! We now have so many technologies, we could always have clear waters and blue skies. If we had the will we could do this very quickly. I am now going to be sending love and thankfulness to this beautiful planet in my morning meditations. My Hope is that just like the planet, we spend some of this (enforced) downtime rejuvenating as well. As I write this many of us are in quarantine and are now forced to spend a lot of time on our own. This is a great time to journal daydream and study. Are there some changes you would like to make in your life that you haven't had time to focus on? I know there are a lot of practical things to deal with right now, especially on the financially front for a lot of us. I am praying for us all. I guess we must do what we can. As the old addage goes: control what you can and release what you can't. But in the in-between spaces maybe you can hear a new voice, discover a hidden truth or open a door to a new vision. Please be kind to yourself and others. And get lots of rest if you can. Xtina ![]() April Well, how appropriate that we start out this season with the Death card! I am not predicting any physical death here, because I am not God. But what this means is the way of life that we are used to has ended for the time being. This can feel scary. But it is temporary, as I have started these readings with death card energy and we progress away from it...not toward it.♥️ In fact, by June we end up with a beautiful Ace energy of rebirth. Because this card's energy is blending with the Page of Swords we need to make many decisions in new territory. This is a real 'nip it in the bud' energy! So please just make the best decisions you can with the information you have and know that things always eventually work themselves out. Make sure to take care of yourself physically and spiritually right now to surf this huge, crazy wave successfully. Do what you can to support yourself and try to surf what you can't control. If you are stuck at home, the energy of the Page of Swords means deciding to put energy into a new situation. This can be an interest, an art form or even a certificate of some sort. I can also mean working on a new relationship with yourself and your beautiful human-ness.♥️ Start where you are at, because wishing things were different can be draining. Look for the silver lining and hidden opportunities! death x page of swords ![]() May We start out the month with an energy of swift movement! There is a sense of getting used to the changes from last month and adjusting to new systems, thoughts and routines. Many of you will start receiving what you have been waiting for...correspondence, money or answers! (This is especially true if you were pro-active about things last month.) Also, some of you may have reached out to a person from the past (or they reached out to you) and you are sharing meaningful connection.♥️ The Six of Cups is a lovely card. All Sixes in the tarot represent getting to a better place after challenging times and this is especially true with the Six of Cups. It's a very emotional and spiritual card and we should find solace in this! The Divine works in very mysterious ways and with the Six of Cups we can find the divine in everyday life. No matter where you're at right now, when you drink your morning tea or coffee sit with that pleasure. Enjoy a good conversation with a friend ♥️ and feel the warm sun on your face. That is very much the energy of the Six of Cups and this comforting energy is what comes in on the heels of all that movement at the beginning of the month. knight of swords x six of cups ![]() June June begins on an introspective note, when it is time to acknowledge and appreciate our inner power and self-knowledge. The High Priestess is one of the most powerful cards in the Tarot and she wants us to rely on our own inner world and intuition to guide us through life. No one (or nothing) can steal us away from ourselves. If we have been misguided by wrong information or charlatans, we can always call in our superpowers to find ourselves again. She wants us to know that healing is always possible and everyday really can be a new start, where we follow our own heart to our true calling. These readings end with the beautiful Ace of Swords, a card of great power and the potential for re-birth. But it calls in the need for decision making and being proactive. The Ace of Swords is often the transition period from the old path to the new and better path. It is full of hope and power and asks you to make your move! High Priestess x Ace of Swords |
AuthorHello! I am Xtina, an intuitive tarot reader based in the Pacific Northwest. 'Tarot Communique' is a space for my musings, inspirations and whatever else that comes up that I'd like to share! xo Top Blog Posts
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