Welcome to the Year of the Fire Rooster! Chinese New year in 2017 starts on the new moon on January 28. Clean your house and get rid of clutter to allow the energy to flow in! This year rolls in with a lot of energy. Here is a breakdown of luck for each of the signs in 2017: Rat: Good luck this year! You will see alot of social action. Get out and have fun. You will get equal amount reward for effort in work.
Ox: Amazing luck this year! During this time period you will be getting what you deserve. Years of hard work are going to be rewarded. Love should flow easily. Don't show off or you will invoke jealousy from someone. Tiger: Good luck this year. Although this will be an auspicious year, the lucky breaks will be out of your control. Expect the unexpected! Let others in this year and it will be a lot more fun. Rabbit: Luck can't decide this year. Many gifts will come...but with strings attached! Read the fine print on everything. Be flexible and surf through this year because that is all you can do. Not a year for big risks. Have fun regardless. Dragon: Best luck of all this year! The world is your oyster. Go for anything you want in love, life or dreams. Shine bright beautiful Dragon, it is your 15 minutes. Snake: Amazing luck this year! Success is predicted for you in business and love! You should have many happy occassions and reasons to celebrate in 2017. Horse: Luck can't decide this year. This is a year for investments of time, energy and love. Work hard and in time you will recieve everything back threefold! Goat: Mixed luck this year. 2017 should be a great money year. Get a strategy and stick with it. It will pay off later. Be extra loving in your relationships this year...they will be requiring extra t.l.c. Monkey: Mixed luck this year. Get clear on what you want and where you are going. This isnt the year for massive action, rather it's about planning, prioritizing and deciding. In a very good way, it is the calm before the storm! Rooster: Good luck this year. This should be a damn fine year for you Roosters. Other people may try to pull you into their drama, don't let them. You will be a great mediator this year, though. Smooth sailing. Dog: Luck can't decide this year. You will have to choose your battles in 2017. Invest your energy only in situations that are beneficial or important... save the rest for yourself. Stay positive. Single females of this sign will have great love luck this year. Pig: Mixed luck this year. Slow and steady wins the race in love. Be patient with career/artistic goals. Perserverance pays off next year.
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Energies for January, February and March 2017
Welcome to 2017 everyone! I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the cards I pulled for the first part of 2017. With the exception of a bit of a rocky start, the messages are positive, and truthfully I was expecting darker energies to come forth! January: Although the Eight of Swords energy signifies some sort of challenge rolling in with the New Year, I consider this a minor, but significant, situation for most of you. Due to the warmth and optimism of the approaching months, January is about clearing out a lingering situation that is draining you. The issue at hand is PERSONAL FREEDOM. What does that mean to you? Sometimes this card indicates that circumstances in your life are working against you. You may be asking, “How did I get here?” The answer to that question is valuable, but please don’t get stuck there. Sometimes asking “Why or why me?” is just an energetic vortex that will drag you down. Better to ask where you want to go, focus your energy on that and start moving. Alternately, circumstances in your life may be fine, but you feel stagnant. In that case, the jailer is your own self. Fear of change or the unknown is usually the culprit. Whether it is outside circumstances or internalized restriction, the message is the same: You are never trapped. There is always choice, prayer or even just a change in perspective. You can tell a different story. Tell it how you want it to be, not how it is. The good news is no one is going to come riding in to save you…but you can save or free yourself. That is true power and you have it at your disposal anytime. This push for freedom is helped by a rare astrological occurrence on January 8, when all planets move direct. This is like a big push from the universe to MOVE forward. Don’t stay in what doesn’t bring you joy. Card: 8 of swords Affirmation: I am free. February: February should bring some wonderful times for all of us. It will be a lucky month. Most of us spend too much time in our heads and February is the month to get into our bodies and find joy and meaning through our 5 senses. Artists (or the artist in us) will be especially blessed because the Empress has come to town. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is her ruler. Surround yourself with things that look, sound and smell wonderful to you. Let your freak flag fly and put some adventure into your style. Eat your favorite food (without guilt) and get some lovin’. Now is the time you will be rewarded in profound ways for bringing joy and pleasure into your life. Most of are taught that we grow through challenges, but the opposite is also true. Beauty and happiness heal and make us more flexible and available. The Empress says that your worth as a human is not connected to your ability to produce or be a care-giver. Set yourself free. Give care because you want to, not because you feel like it validates your existence or is a part of your identity. If you have a sweetheart on Valentine’s Day, make it extra special. If you are a freewheelin’ single on Valentine’s Day make it extra special. Love and Beauty all month long! card: The Empress Affirmation: Joy and comfort are my birthright. March: A great way to chase away the late winter blahs is to start something new! The energy of the Sun shines light in even the darkest hearts. The warmth of this card burns away depression and stagnation. It brings clarity and through that a sense of liberation. Knowing what we want and where we are going gives a snug sense of safety and freedom. If there is something you have been working on and feel stymied, the visionary energy of this card will help you move in the right direction. The Sun will melt away any artist blocks and/or obstacles to movement. It is a great card for all relationships, helping facilitate communication and a sense of hopefulness. It also is the ultimate truth card, illuminating hidden elements in relationships. This information may be positive or negative, but the warmth of the energy will heal wounds quickly. Card: The Sun Affirmation: I am safe and free. |
AuthorHello! I am Xtina, an intuitive tarot reader based in the Pacific Northwest. 'Tarot Communique' is a space for my musings, inspirations and whatever else that comes up that I'd like to share! xo Top Blog Posts
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