![]() Years ago, when my daughter was four, we spent part of our summer in Lithuania. The city of Vilnius was beautiful and fascinating. Historically, it had nine city gates, but the Russians destroyed all but one in the early 1800s. The remaining gate is called 'The Gate of Dawn' and that is where the miracle working 'Black Madonna' lives. She is called 'Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn' or Aušros Vartų Dievo Motina in Lithuanian. The stairs leading up to the chapel were narrow and made of marble and deeply grooved by the years of pilgrims coming to worship her. My daughter was obsessed with 'our lady' and asked to see the 'Black 'Oodana' everyday! ![]() There are at least 500 Black Madonnas in Europe. They are shrouded in mystery and many have pilgrims that visit them for their miracle working abilities. They are either carved or painted (mostly between the 11th and 13th centuries) and have a dark complexion. Many people believe that these are not just representations of the Virgin Mary, but actually veiled figures of much older goddesses. Most often they say that she is actually the Egyptian goddess Isis (sometimes with baby Horus). But many are thought to be connected to other ancient religions as they are located at the former shrines of pagan goddesses such as Diana, Artemis and Cybele. Some of the Black Madonnas have taken on the soot of votive candles over the years, but many more were actually carved out of dark materials or painted to have a dark complexion. This makes sense if they are really connected to the ancient goddesses of Africa and the Mediterranean. I place my picture of 'Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn' in a prominent place on my altar...but my catholic mom hangs hers on the wall. The deep, mysterious feminine force of the Black Madonnas transcend religion.
![]() October: Keywords: Good times, Common cause, Comrades, Fighting the 'Man', Friendship, First Stage of a Love Relationship The Three of Cups is generally a joyful card. It depicts coming together with others to collaborate, connect and celebrate. It has deeper undertones that deal with fighting a common cause and coming through an ordeal with others by your side. This energy is going to be ruling the month of October...so don't isolate...celebrate! If the political climate is getting you down, join with others to take action so you don't feel alone. Mother earth has been angry lately and there is much healing and helping to be done. Get involved in helping others...in turn you will help yourself. The Three of Cups can be a great relationship card. If you are single you may meet someone who shares your values. If partnered expect a new level of warmth and connection. The Three of Cups says 'We are all in this together and LOVE conquers all.' 3 of Cups November: Keywords: Excitement, Things falling into place, Movement, Action, Obstacles removed, 'Be careful what you wish for' We should all have a bit of a break this month...a little sprinkling of grace to help raise our morale! If things have been feeling like an uphill struggle for awhile, take heart that some good times and well earned rewards should roll in this month. The Eight of Wands is an exciting, dynamic card signifying situations swiftly manifesting or resolving. Normally this is a very positive development that comes after a time period of waiting or needing to overcome many hurdles. It has that great feeling of after being shut out, you are now all in. But there is the catch! It implies commitment, or responsibility or finality. Once you attain what you have been pursuing, nothing will be the same and there is no turning back. It is important to know what your motivations are when you are craving or pursuing something. 8 of Wands December: Keywords: Feeling Stagnant, Shifting your perspective, Working things out After the action of the last few months, December might feel like a bit of a wet blanket. Don't worry. There are ways to make space for fun and light even if life is feeling heavy. Be around people that love and support you ... and be loving and supportive with others! Your perspective is going to be very important this month. "...What happens is of little significance compared with the stories we tell ourselves about what happens. Events matter little, only stories of events affect us.” ― Rabih Alameddine When we feel trapped...we can do several things to free ourselves. We can make new decisions and change our circumstance. If we truly can't change our circumstance we can change how we see ourselves in our life. Lots of times we feel stuck when we have done all we can and the shift is taking much longer than we like. Just remember that the universe always rewards effort eventually...but it operates on its own timeline! Sometimes it takes a while for all the components to rearrange to gift you what you want. A clear vision of what you want and where you are going can go a long way in helping you get out of a stagnant time period. If you have clarity of direction, than it is easier to take steps to reach your goal. It is really hard for the universe to give you what you want if you don't know what you want!!!! And finally, just remember that everything is temporary. That includes difficulties and happier times. Onward, people! We must keep rolling. 8 of swords x 4 of Cups x 3 Pentacles |
AuthorHello! I am Xtina, an intuitive tarot reader based in the Pacific Northwest. 'Tarot Communique' is a space for my musings, inspirations and whatever else that comes up that I'd like to share! xo Top Blog Posts
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