Remember the song 'The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius'? Well, it is no longer the 'dawning' because it actually arrives in 2020. This really is a start of a new era. We've been under the influence of an earth sign for almost 200 years and now we are switching over into the air sign , Aquarius. So what does moving into an air sign signify?
Leaving Earth energy behind means no longer getting our fuel from the earth such as fossil fuels and trees. Instead we'll be getting our energy from the air and renewable resources. We will stop getting most of our water from the ground and start harvesting it from the rain in the sky. It could very well mean the end of traditional capitalism and its emphasis on materialism and turning into a more 'experience' oriented Society. Air signs rule technology and communication. The overwhelming access to information and inability to hold back the sharing of information means that certain beliefs are going to be crumbling in the face of fact and other possible realities rather than ones's own. Centralized big utilities may also go to the Wayside as each individual person and building can harness its own Energy System and water from the sky. The other big transit in 2020 is the ' great conjunction'. Approximately every 20 years or so Saturn and Jupiter meet up for what is called the Great Conjunction or 'coming together'. This reunion signifies the end of one era and the beginning of another 20 year cycle. Think back to where you were in 1999 and 2000. What was started then, may be wrapping up now. For some of us we may have abandonded something and will be picking it back up in 2020. May this year bring you Joy and Hope! Please visit my youtube channel for readings for every sign for the new year.
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![]() 2020 is the year of the metal rat. It starts on January 25th 2020. It should Usher in a year that has a lot of surprises but within this unpredictability they were also be opportunities. The Zodiac rat is the first animal of the twelve of the Chinese horoscope. Therefore a lot of decisions made this year will affect the next 12 years. It is especially important to respect your money this year. If you have just been throwing it around and not tracking it and saving some of it... it's time to start. ASAP. Did you know that 40% of Americans don't even have $400 saved? That's almost half the population. Even $10 a week equals about $520 in a year. It's time to move into the future and that includes planning for your future financially. We just finished a 12-year cycle it's time to renew! Many people may create the whole new reality for themselves this year by changing their lifestyle. Please do not let another person's jealousy or sabotage keep you from making changes that you see as necessary and life-giving in your own life. This is the international year of the underdog! Just because you haven't before doesn't mean you won't tomorrow. Gold white and blue are the lucky colors this year. Below you will find an overview of the energies of 2020 for your Chinese zodiac animal! 1 .Rat There should be lots of opportunities for Rat this year. The rat is the very first animal in the Chinese Zodiac so it's an excellent year for New Beginnings. Any challenges you face this year, you should be able to overcome and in this process create better foundations for the future. Everything will turn out fine. 2. Ox Overall the Ox will have a lot of luck in 2020. But unfinished business or loose ends need to be tied up this year in order to set the stage for a bright tomorrow. Don't avoid a something that you've been avoiding for a long time. It's time to face it. 3. Tiger The Tiger will be one of the luckiest signs in 2020. Now is the time to face the future with excitement and release any negative energy around you. That includes relationships. 4. Rabbit This is the year for the rabbit to really Embrace what brings joy in life and to release any unnecessary obligations. Do anything it takes to not be stressed out. You don't owe anybody any explanations for your decisions. You're an adult you get to do what you want. 5.Dragon 2020 should be a wonderful year for the Dragon. There's a lot of Harmony and peace coming your way. And if you put energy into new relationships you should have many new friendships coming your way and possible Romance. 6.Snake If you are single and you are a Snake, this may be the year that you find true love! Overall 2020 will bring you lots of joy and luck. Be grateful for what is coming your way and you will get more to be grateful for. 7. Horse 2020 is the year of the Rat and the very first sign of the zodiac. For the horse this means it's time for New Beginnings on all fronts! If you feel like you've been wanting to transform, don't wait any longer! Turn into a butterfly this year. Release what doesn't serve you and be grateful for your good relationships and and invest in them. This is where your luck lies. 8. Sheep Sheep should see their pot of gold growing this year! And while the financial landscape looks stable, other parts of the Sheep's life will be going through a lot of change. So be flexible and positive and roll with life. 9. Monkey 2020 will be a year full of friends and parties and vital energy for the monkey! Flexibility and creativity are great traits to bring to your professional life. You can see a lot of growth in that direction. Overall this year should bring lots of Positive Vibes and luck. 10. Rooster Overall 2020 should be a successful year for the Rooster. But you will make a lot of progress this year if you take the time for some TLC and self-care. Don't just push yourself through difficult situations. Evaluate if you need to be in a challenging situation at all. And make sure you're not doing things out of obligation that you would rather not be doing. It will definitely be better to be honest with yourself about your true feelings then pushing them down and have them explode out unexpectedly. 11. Dog New Beginnings will be calling out to the dog this year. Don't ignore restlessness. Be flexible and enjoy change! Good luck and prosperity will be around every corner. Please take care of your health though. Make lifestyle changes if you need. It's also an absolutely fabulous year for love. People born in the year of the dog will have good luck in most areas of their life ....the stars are in their favor this year. To attract luck put a dog statue in the Southeast corner of your bedroom. 12. Pig 2020 should be a year of contentment for the pig. It's time to take comfort in what you have and be proud of what you've achieved so far. Most of the good things in your life are here because of good decisions you made in the past so give yourself some credit. 12. ![]() January Wow, what an intense reading for the first month of the new year. The message is this: When you're feeling really down or you're feeling hopeless or disappointed or are suffering from loss, please don't give up hope! Your wishes still will come true! It is very important how you are seeing yourself in your life. Just remember that everything changes and that focusing on tomorrow and the future and seeing in your mind's eye how you want things to be, will get you moving in the right direction. If you don't like where you're at, whether it is from your own bad decisions or from some nasty blows dealt by the wild card of fate, you don't need to stay there. Everything changes and everything is temporary. So set your sights on the new day, visualize the best possible outcome and keep moving. Everything is going to be fine. In fact your secret dreams can come true, you just need to help them along. Five of Pentacles X nine of cups February February really brings you something to be excited about! Maybe it's a new idea or a new relationship or a new project. The whole situation feels full of potential and vital. Don't hold back, go for it! Give something (or someone) that has piqued your interest a try. This could turn into something long-lasting and huge, or it could just be an interesting experience. You won't know what it will turn out to be unless you jump right on in! Please don't let indecision steal the energy out of the situation. There may be some sort of risk involved but nothing amazing ever got done without taking a risk. Sometimes we got to rock the boat to unleash the divine! ace of wands March It's early spring and the days are getting longer. It is time to move out of hibernation (existential or literal!) and get ready for action. Start with some brainstorming. Use creative thinking to do some rearranging ...either in your life or in your kitchen! It is time to plan and do some stretching because pretty soon you're going to be asked to actually run. The energy of the Master Manifester is coming and you want to be ready. But right now something in your life needs to be rearranged. Solidified patterns in a relationship may need to be loosened or totally overthrown. Issues of prioritization regarding yourself and your self-worth may be coming up. Move things around in your Cosmic living room. Do some direct communication with your significant other (or anyone of importance). What Garden have you two planted? Have you watered it lately? Also you may need to do some self-imposed limitations in order to focus your energy. temperance x emperor |
AuthorHello! I am Xtina, an intuitive tarot reader based in the Pacific Northwest. 'Tarot Communique' is a space for my musings, inspirations and whatever else that comes up that I'd like to share! xo Top Blog Posts
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