On April 1st, 2024 (April Fools Day! haha) Mercury goes retrograde. This is not considered a good thing by most people! But just like many things in life, it is not a black and white situation. It is nuanced and there are plenty of circumstances where a retrograde is actually a great thing! 🪐 . • ° ★ • ☄
As a rule anything that starts with 'Re' is productive under a retrograde. Here are some ideas and concepts that come to mind: Review-Release-Rebalance Recieve-Recover-Redirect Retreat-Realign-Repair Reunion-Renew-Relish Reflect-Redirect-Resolve I am sure there are other aspects of your situation or other 're' words that would make sense in your life right now. In western society we are trained to just go-go-go and be a production machine. But that is just brainwashing. We need just as much time to reflect and retreat and to reassess! Retrogrades give you permission to do this, so take it with both hands.
![]() April Many of us will finally see some rewards for what we've been working on! Others will recognize us and our work and we will be getting some sort of pay off. If you're in the arts this could indicate a successful Gallery showing or performance. If you've been working on some lifestyle situations other people may be noticing a shift in you. You definitely will be feeling satisfaction for work well done and joy for sustained effort bringing you something that you want to see happen. If you're single you could get more attention than usual in April, especially if you've been putting some energy into attracting a relationship into your life. 3 of pentacles x 6 of wands ![]() May OH shiver....May might bring an unexpected new emotional experience as well as a sense of vulnerability. Make sure that you are only sharing your deeper self with people that are there to support you. Some of us may be feeling extra sensitive right now. This is not good or bad, it's just a time period to be really gentle with yourself. Healing is here. Some of us may be feeling like we want to get more in touch with our spiritual life. Exploring a deeper connection to the divine will be worth it. There are plenty of spiritual traditions out there, so be open to new experiences. If you're feeling particularly vulnerable don't be afraid to go find a healer. May is a good month to share your deeper self with your sweetheart or a significant other. In general it's a month to not go it alone or reinvent the wheel. Look for the helpers because they're there. Page of cups x Heirophant ![]() June June will be a real light at the end of the tunnel month especially in the realm of relationship. If things get hard just try to stay grounded and grateful for what you have. There's lessons to be learned through a difficult situation and many of you will be actually seeing movement and progress into new realms in your life. Greater self love and /or a new love relationship will be the reward at the end of this journey. 6 of Cups x 3 of swords = ace of cups ![]() February (2nd half) The two energies that are combining in late February are about the dance between being clear about what you want and taking action...or not. For some of you the time for action comes after getting more clarity. Now is the time to make plans, do research and brainstorm. It isn't time to make the move until you are absolutely clear about what you are aiming for. Many of us are going to feel excited about a new project or a new relationship, but it is best to make sure you are ready for a stronger commitment to the idea, plan or person. Don't force anything. Timing is important. Some of you are clear about next steps, but are afraid to actually take them. Ask yourself why. Do you have a fear of change or rocking the boat? Most things worth having involve some risk. ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Sun x 2 swords March
On March 20th we have the Spring Equinox. And just like nature striking a balance between light and dark, we need to find our own personal balance this month. And part of that may include taking a break from the day to day to refill your emotional and spiritual well! There is a focus on healing in this reading, especially for those of you who are coming out of a difficult time period. Many of you will be recuperating well after a health issue or a big change. We are amazing beings, able to manifest miraculous transformations! Just like plants emerging from a time of quiet and rest, so are we now, stretching towards the sun and rebirth.⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Temperance x 4 of swords ![]() 2024 is the year of the wood Dragon in Chinese astrology. "In Chinese culture, the Dragon holds a significant place as an auspicious and extraordinary creature, unparalleled in talent and excellence. It symbolizes power, nobility, honor, luck, and success. 2024 is forecasted to bring about opportunities, changes, and challenges. If you're seeking a shift in your current lives, this year might offer a favorable chance."* Here is a quick oveview for your zodiac animal in 2024. The Rat: The rat will have a fabulous year and 2024. It's being guided by a lucky star that will bless you with cash. The rat should also have good luck in romance, but just make sure you are communicating well. The Ox: The ox will have good luck in 2024 through other people, especially when it comes to career and income opportunities. Relationships should be peaceful, especially in the first half of the year. The Tiger: Tigers should have awesome financial assistance this year. There could be multiple opportunities for financial growth. But in health they need to watch out for bad habits. Luckily you are in control of your lifestyle. Pay attention. 2024 is not the best year for taking risks in love. The Rabbit: If you feel lonely, Rabbit, have hope! 2024 I should bring many opportunities for connection... and even love. Money should not be an issue this year even if you don't win the lottery. The Dragon: Dragons are the only mythical creature in the Chinese Zodiac and 2024 is a dragon year. This means there may be some challenges for those born under this sign, but overcoming these challenges makes the way so much smoother and brighter down the road. It's definitely a year of growth! The Snake: Snakes it should be fine financially this year but be careful of your reputation. Don't take any chances and definitely act with integrity in your professional life because there's a chance to really expand your Connections in 2024. Romance should be a rockin' this year! The Horse: 2024 is not a year of big risk taking for Horses. Make sure you're taking care of your health and getting good sleep and don't take risks with your money. That being said, if you've got a good plan, some of you may start your own successful business this year. Relationships will benefit from honest communication and some relationships will be going into deeper territory. The Goat: Many Goats will finally see their hard work pay off this year! 2024 is a very dynamic year for goats but, timing will be important. Don't force anything, especially in romance. Playing games probably won't work well this year. The Monkey: The monkey will have a fabulous year in most sectors of their life in 2024. Just be careful to not gloat. Someone else's jealousy could ruin your day. Be modest. The Rooster: 2024 is a five-star year for the Rooster! It looks great for finances and for love. There will be lots of opportunities to choose from so choose wisely. The Dog: 2024 is an interesting year for the dog. While there's many opportunities for gain, there's also the risk of loss. So play it safe and use integrity and you should be okay. Definitely take care of your health and do not take risks with your money. *https://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/chinese-zodiac/dragon.htm ![]() I find that when I do this sweet little morning ritual it just starts my day off in a very positive way that seems to ripple throughout the rest of the day. So I thought I'd share it with you Here it is step by step *Make the bed! Trust me it's a little division between sleeping and waking and it's so lovely to get into a freshly made bed at night. *Drink the rest of the water on your bedside table *Find a quiet place do a couple of stretches and then sit down on the ground in a comfortable position :・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: Now is the time for the chakra clearing meditation. Imagine a sparkly light coming down from heaven in your favorite color. It enters through the top of your head which is your 7th chakra. This is your connection to the Divine and divine inspiration. Just imagine this sparkly light washing your rock and roll hair! Then it moves down to your 6th chakra and your third eye. The light washes down through the rest of your head helping you see clearly. Then it comes in through your throat washing the 5th chakra clean . This helps you to speak your truth. The light continues its Journey going into your chest and into your arms and out the palms of your hands to clean out your palm chakras. It gently scrubs your heart clean to help you give and receive love in your fourth chakra The sparkly cleansing Divine Light continues until it gets to your midsection around your diaphragm. This is your third chakra. It gets scrubbed clean to help you breathe deeply and Center yourself in your personal power. The sparkly light of the Divine continues down into your pelvis and this is your second chakra. Everything gets washed in healing light to help you with your connection to self and other and also to help you be mindful of your money. This Divine Light continues its cleansing and clearing all the way down through your legs and out through the bottoms of your feet which are also chakras. This is your first chakra and it helps you be a part of community and also stay grounded in your life. After you visualize this journey through all of your seven chakras you can sit quietly for as long as you like. During this time I like to make a mental list of five things that I am grateful for and then I get up and start my day. It just feels good to know that my bed is made and I am I'm hydrated. I've stretched and I've done some real spiritual hygiene and I love starting out my day with gratitude. I hope you enjoy this. If you are interested in chakras and their meaning, I recommend the book 'Anatomy of the Spirit' by Caroline Myss. ![]() July Harness the fire of the Ace of Wands to burn through the parts of your life that are stagnant. What lies on the other side of your complacency is a deeper connection to your purpose and your deep creativity. It's a great time to finish up things that have been lingering and add a little special stardust,too! Do you have a bunch of crafting materials lying around that you're meaning to use to create something beautiful? Well go find that YouTube video and learn how to do it. Or go take a class. Just do it! The point is, your creative fire wants to burn baby, burn! But you have to clear some space for it... mentally, physically and even spiritually. Love could burn bright this month. Both of these cards are pretty sensual. The Ace of Wands is very passionate and the Empress just wants to run around in her flow-y cosmic caftan, barefoot and loving who she wants to love. Ace of Wands x the empress ![]() August Wow. This month has some really interesting energies. They are so opposite that either they're going to clash or they are going to work themselves into a complimentary dance... almost like yin and yang. I think we should focus on ways to make this energy complimentary and powerful. The energy of the the Emperor doesn't really vibe with the energy of the Moon and vice versa. The Moon is about deep subconscious places and wild untamed inner territory. The emperor is very yang and all about outward production and control. BUT there's no way to control the moon. This month, the energy of the moon has to be listened to ...First. Space needs to be made for hearing the inner voice. And once you hear the message... then engage the energy of the Emperor card. It can carry your message/dream forth into the real world. Any other way and the emperor is going to hold the door shut on whatever the Moon is trying to open. Self first, world second. The moon and The emperor ![]() September If you're feeling depleted energetically, spiritually or financially right now, have hope! New opportunities for fulfillment and gain are approaching. In September we start in the difficult place of the Five of pentacles, refering to a sense of lack in some aspect of our lives. Luckily the Ace of pentacles is about to arrive. Aces are raw material that need to be given energy to become something, or they are an opportunity that needs to be taken in order to be activated. Yay!! On the health front, if you actively make changes in your diet and lifestyle, the Ace of Pentacles will take you from dilapidated to dynamic! Start positive change....yesterday! the Five of pentacles and the Ace of pentacles ![]() April Full Moon on April 6th in Libra: The dance of Relationship takes center stage New Moon on April 20th in Aries: An urge to start something new bubbles to the surface! May Full Moon on May 5th in Scorpio: The desire for Intimacy and passion won't be able to stay hidden! Deep waters run. New Moon on May 19th in Taurus: It's time to get cozy and organized. Get some new things or systems to help things run smoothly. June Full Moon on June 5th in Sagittarius: The future looks bright and we follow instinct into new territory. Tomorrow will take care of itself New Moon on June 18th in Gemini: Follow your interests and visions and share your thoughts with of other fellow travellers. ![]() WooHoo! The New Year is almost here and in Chinese Astrology it is the year of the Water Rabbit. I've been doing alot of research and here is what I found out! On January 22nd, 2023 we begin The Year of the Water Rabbit This will be a welcome shift from the very dynamic and regenerating, but somewhat destabilizing year of the Tiger. The year of the water rabbit is said to be full of gentleness and peace and a good year to heal wounds... personally and together... to make new plans for the future. And according to a lot of what I have read it is also just generally a good year for every sign. Yay! The Here is a short overview of the 2023 forecast for every Chinese zodiac sign. The Rat 2023 will be a great year socially for the Rat! New friends and faces will enter your life easily. Career success may just happen naturally by connecting and talking to lots of people. It is a great year to ask for help in a venture, but keep your plans close to your chest in general. Love ♡♡♡ may come through new connections. The Ox 2023 should be one of the easiest years for the Ox in a long while (years!). It looks like responsibilites will be on autopilot, leaving a lot of space to explore new interests and fun plans. But make sure you are mindful of your money $$$ this year, as it could flow through your fingers like water! The Tiger The Tiger will be lucky in love ♡ and career this year! It looks like you will feel fullfilled in your life and personal goals. The only warning is stay out of drama...yours or another person. The Rabbit "The year 2023 promises to be a fantastic year for the Rabbits. There will not be any obstacles to his life, and the progress will be superb. Professionals can expect promotions and salary increases. People in business will prosper in their ventures. Investments will give good returns, and pending loans will be repaid. Love and romance will be excellent ♡♡♡, and the family atmosphere will be delightful. Overall, Rabbits will have a beautiful period." (This quote from China Highlights says it all.) The Dragon The Year of the Rabbit will be smooth and flow up towards higher goals easily. If you are in a relationship ♡♡♡, it should be better than ever and relationships in general will be joyful. Luck is on the Dragon's side this year, so get clear on what you want, because you just might get it! The Snake 2023 will be a pretty darn good year for the Snake. Fun and good times will be abound, but well earned! It will be a bit of a balancing act between making money and spending money, working hard and making time for family and friends. You will need to be conscious about where your energy ✴ is going. The Horse Wow! It looks like this is going to be one of the best years for the Horse in a long time! Love omens are excellent, finances look not only stable, but possibly growing and happy surprises will be abound! ✴ The Sheep Overall 2023 will be a lucky year for the Sheep, especially in the second half of the year! If you are looking for love ♡♡♡, prospects look bright. If you are pursuing a career goal, success or promotion looks promising. Just make sure you are scheduling in self-care so you can be as ambitious and active as your heart desires. The Monkey 2023 looks like a fantastic year on all fronts for the Monkey. Expanding career goals or business ventures $$$ looks especially promising. Also if you have been wanting to move into new job territory, transitioning looks favorable. The Rooster The Rooster can create a wonderful year in 2023 following a few key suggestions! Avoid situations where you need to be political and do not engage in a fight if possible. Also put your energy ✴ into the things that are most important to you, especially personal relationships . You may need to take the first step, but your attention will be returned. In business, use integrity and invest, but it might not be the best year for a big expansion. Good Luck! The Dog Woohoo! This really looks like a stellar year for the Dog, especially after the difficulties of 2022. The spotlight is on wonderful opportunities in LOVE ♡♡♡...espescially the first half of the year. There are blessings coming for friendships and family and creativity, also. Some dogs are going to get an unexpected reward in their career life, too. The Pig 2023 looks very positive for the Pig! If you are single, this will be a fabulous year to meet a special someone ♡♡♡! It is also a great year formultiple income streams $$$, especially if you have a side hustle. Just make sure you are taking care of your health, you know, get good sleep and eat your vegetables. ![]() January key phrase: Listen to your inner voice. 2023 starts with a warm but somewhat distracted energy. Some of us may feel it hard to move towards a future goal because we keep getting involved in things that are right in front of us. Past disappointments or hurts that are unresolved may also keep us from moving forward. Don't be too hard on yourself or throw in the towel, because the Page of Cups is coming in to give you the emotional intelligence needed to move forward, despite distracting feelings. Some of you may be feeling like you're not even sure what your goals are, so sit down, take a deep breath and a piece of paper and write down some ideas and feelings and soon enough you'll know where to go. Honesty with self and others is the most important catalyst. If you have recently had some heartbreak, good omens are pointing out that the healing has already started. Page of wands x three of swords x page of cups ![]() February Key phrase: Set yourself free February looks like it's going to be intense! The most obvious message from this month's reading is that if you are involved in a situation where something feels out of control, whether it is a relationship with a person, or a substance or a habit, or any situation that you just keep obsessing about, help is out there. Our old friend the Devil card showed up this month but hot on his heels is the Hierophant who is the sage, the helper, the person who has information you need to set yourself free. Some of you may be in a hot and heavy relationship where the chemistry is awesome. Just make sure it's balanced and healthy and it doesn't become an addiction. If it does , go find the Heirophant! The Devil energy isn't all bad, it is just very primal and can be compulsive. Heirophant and the Devil ![]() March Key Phrase: Everything comes back threefold In march we are all going to reap what we sow. For most of us that's a yippee!!!, but for some of us that might be an uh-oh, time to clean up my mess. Justice is going to be hanging around all month and she rules Instant Karma so make sure your intentions are good! Do the right thing and you'll get a lot of blessings in return. Just remember in life and in spell work anything you put out there comes back to you three fold. That will be especially true this month. Luckily many of you are going to finally get something you've been working towards. The last card in the deck shows up here which oftentimes is a happily ever after card. So if you've been a good person, you can look forward to getting something you've been waiting for this month. Good luck! Justice x the world .Years ago I was obsessed with a book called 'The Tightwad Gazette'. I was a new mom and had to figure out how to live well while supporting two humans on my single person salary. The Gazette was loaded with tips and tricks to save money. It changed my life...I became 'frugal' and started to save money and really chose where my money went. In fact I now have a youtube channel called The Practical Magic of Frugal Living
One of my favorite articles was called 'The Snowball Effect'. It portrayed the trajectory of two people who each received a $100 dollar bonus every new year. After 5 years one person had invested the money into various projects, each one re-investing in the next, and ended up earning and extra $20,000+ dollars after 5 years, while the other person just spent it on dinner and clothes every time they got the bonus. I just found this fascinating. This act of building upon what you have, little by little, until it hits critical mass , falls into the category I call 'Practical Magic". Yes, we all wish we were born rich or could actually win the lottery, but these aren't the only two options for dream creation. We can all start where we are at. (And by the way this is not excusing the disaster that is end times capitalism in the USA...things must change) Read my last blog post on creating abundance out of almost nothing. The snowball effect comes into play when we create and committ to daily rituals. If we get in steps, eat healthy , and invest in our relationships the cummulative effect is greater than the small actions. We are our habits. Just some food for thought! |
AuthorHello! I am Xtina, an intuitive tarot reader based in the Pacific Northwest. 'Tarot Communique' is a space for my musings, inspirations and whatever else that comes up that I'd like to share! xo Top Blog Posts
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