![]() October Keywords: Confident Forward Motion October starts with the planet Mercury finally going direct. YaY! ✨ Now is the time for forward movement and the cards are supporting this. This month is powerful and it's all about cutting through the BS to get to the core of the matter. This will be a time of being a visionary in your own life and also engaging your willpower to try and make real what it is that you're seeing in your mind's eye. We have both the Ace of swords and the Magician in October helping us get to a new level on our life path. In General, it will be easier to access objectivity around a murky situation this month. And even in matters of the heart, the Ace of Swords will help you get real. In relationships truth is going to be shared whether we are ready or not and if you've been in a limbo land situation, that will probably resolve itself one way or another. Don't be afraid, be brave! You have the magician on your side. She is a master manifest-or and I love this card because it also has a sprinkling of magic in it. So the dream big in October and believe that anything is possible.''because usually it is. Ace of Swords x Magician ![]() November. Keyword: Intense Commitment is the topic of the month. What we are willing and able to commit to really influences what our life looks like. Where are you at with commitment? What is easy for you to commit to.? What seems impossible for you to commit to? I think commitment is mysterious and very powerful. ⋆ . ˚ ✩ ✭ ⋆☆゚ The Lovers card asks us to choose. Sometimes the choice we are asked to make means we can't choose something else. You can't be married and single at the same time (although people try...really hard☻) or be vegan and eat meat. Relationships this month will want to ground into more serious territory, so that means some of you will be getting in deeper and some of you will be breaking up. It's not a casual time for love There's another energy rolling in with this card in November to help us out. The Ace of swords cuts through static and brings clarity. I consider it one of the cards of revolution. The image I envision.... is rolling into some battle with your sword drawn to bring in the new day. One of the ways to do that in your own personal life is to draw a line in the sand with that sword and commit to the path you want to be on. You can do it! And the energy of November will help. Lovers x Ace of Swords ![]() December Keyword: Flow The last month of the year is here! December is more mellow than Oct. and Nov. and is all about balance and equilibrium and that should be fairly easy to accomplish. The tarot cards indicate that it should be easier than usual to not let yourself get dragged into other people's dramas and to avoid getting triggered. Self-imposed limitation is the name of the game and will have lots of benefits! (No wearing the lampshade at the Xmas party for you!) The strength card is here telling us to let go of perfectionism because we are just wonderful the way we are! Being Perfect is unattainable and is a great weapon to use against ourselves . In relationships, harmony will flow in any way it can, over any situation that comes up. Only someone really trying hard, like (Insert preferred asshole here) could interrupt it. The visualization I see for December... is floating down a lazy cosmic river. You're going with the flow but you're also effortlessly guiding yourself away any boulders on your path. Temperance x Strength
![]() WOW! Climate change is really on my mind, and weighing on my heart right now. This past summer Mother Earth was yelling to get our attention. 🔥I still have some hope that we can turn it around and I want to share some really wonderful , hopeful things happening around the world that make my heart sing. Humans are amazing...we can adapt to anything and we can innovate. My hope is that this past summer has been a wake up call and the humans of the world (and their governments) unite to save our planet and ourselves. At the end of this list I also am going to list some of the ways that I live to do my small part. We can all pitch in! Inspiration #1: The Greening of Ethiopia. Ethiopia has been earnestly planting trees for years now. According to the UNEP " Under the country’s National Green Development Program—launched in May 2019 in a bid to combat climate change and environmental degradation—Ethiopia plans to plant 4 billion trees on 1.5 million hectares across the country: 40 trees per person." The country set a world record of planting over 300 million trees on one day in May 2019. They are also working to restore water and greenery in parched land. Here is a video https://youtu.be/D9Ntr6ns44U. Inspiration #2: Restoring water to India. A movement is happening in many parts of India that uses a combination of traditional technologies and permaculture techniques to restore water to dried up wells, crops and forests.Here are a couple of videos: https://youtu.be/-8nqnOcoLqE https://youtu.be/9hmkgn0nBgk Inspiration #3 Isreal now creates a water surplus. They recycle 90% of their tap water and use it for agriculture and planting forests! They are actually exporting water to other countries. Here is a video: https://youtu.be/KYhZwcwtN4k Inspiration #4 Brad Lancaster is helping turn Tuscon, AZ into a water harvesting Mecca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUSm5ng2Hdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8HR2EZPiLk Do you know of any inspirational projects happening right now to help mother earth? I would love to hear about them. Please leave a comment below! Are you wondering what your carbon footprint is? Here is a calculator. https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/carbon-footprint-calculator/ I have been attempting a zero waste lifestyle for years...but it is really hard.Have you ever tried to go plastic free, even for one day? It is almost impossible. I really hope we get it together and come up with a plastic alternative soon. But I was excited to see that I had a negative carbon footprint. It is mostly because I have an urban lifestyle (i live in an apartment and have no car) and I am a plant-based eater. Also the city I live in uses hydro power, not fossil fuel. Ironically , the number one worst thing you can do for the planet is....have a kid!😄 ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ Moon Phases For Autumn 2022⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ August 27, 2022: New Moon in Virgo
✵Make your master plan to rule the world September 10, 2022: Full Moon in Pisces ✵Cry your eyes out or laugh hysterically...or both! September 25, 2022: New Moon Libra ✵A new relationship may waltz through you front door...or your marriage(love renewed) October 9, 2022: Full Moon in Aries ✵Burn bright in your life...be your own rockstar October 25, 2022: New Moon in Scorpio ✵Let a a new or old calling lead you forward November 8 , 2022: Full Moon in Taurus (lunar eclipse) ✵Revel in what you have created...Yum November 23, 2022: New Moon in Sagittarius ✵Start a fun new project and let yourself be moved by a new passion December 7, 2022: Full Moon in Gemini ✵Have a marathon phone conversation with a friend. Express what is in your soul to someone. December 23, 2022: New Moon in Capricorn ✵Make your list of achievable (and lofty) goals for the New Year I am always really interested in the intersection of free will and destiny. As a tarot reader I work at the edge of this border constantly. When I do a reading for someone, I receive information about the most likely outcome, but I always tell people if you don’t like what this reading says you have free will and you can change it. We are not victims of life, but partners. This little money ritual I’m gonna give you works in that realm ...there’s a practical side and there’s a magical side and the two together seem to work really well. This spell is especially powerful if you are flat broke. It switches the energy from desperation to stability. I literally saved hundreds of dollars like this and it started me on my path of frugal living and substantial savings. I now have a IRA and then some, And it all started with this little spell. You can do this. And don’t care if the people at the bank think you’re weird because your money has a hole in it and it smells like cinnamon. Good luck! This is a variation of a money spell from the book Silvers spells for abundance by Raven Wolf. ![]() All you need is a receipt spindle and some cinnamon. Every evening at dusk take out any dollar bills you have and stack them on the spindle and sprinkle a little cinnamon on them and say the chant.... I am fortunate I am successful I am positive abundance and prosperity make it so. You can keep collecting the bills until they reach a certain amount and then put them in your savings account or you can create a magical money box that even adds more energy into attracting more dollar bills. But the important thing is to always leave one dollar every time you remove the money to put them in your savings. Although this sounds simple, it has a powerful effect because like attracts like. When money exists in your life, it holds energy. When you go from a place, like I was, with no extra money or savings at all, there is a background anxiety that nags at you constantly. Having an emergency account will take away that background stress. It will free up energy to get creative on how to save or earn even more money!I found myself more inspired to save money once I had money saved.I actually have a YouTube channel now called the practical magic of frugal living that you can check out to see what I do to save money. It’s sort of like a thing in motion stays in motion and a thing at rest stays at rest. Like attracts like! (40% of Americans have less than $400 in savings! Don't join this sad club.) Even if you’re broke as can be, you can get this much savings and much more by working with some mindfulness and magic. And all of the inspiration starting from doing this money spell can make you feel in control of your life once you have a bit of savings. Then you can just keep focusing and making the money collection bigger. Good Luck and may you collect dollars instead of clutter! ![]() April April is a month for getting things done! The combination of the elements of fire and earth is powerful! The energy of the nine of wands rallies up stamina, perseverance, determination and also inspiration. Many of you may have been working on something or toward something that is going to culminate this month. If you’re feeling at your wits end about something because you feel like you’ve been putting energy into it and you’re not seeing an outcome, don’t give up! You are about to jump into new territory and you will be noticed for your hard work and also be rewarded. The three of pentacles portends achievement, but it’s always well earned support and financial gain. Don’t be afraid to work for what you want, especially in April. A positive message is arriving, saying we all get what we deserve in the end, but sometimes you just have to give it that last push to get there. These are not particularly romantic energies but there is a happy indicator for those of you who have recently gone through a hard time in love. Being engaged in your life and working towards a goal will set you on a new course and Bring in fresh magic. Hang in there! 3 pentacles x nine wands ![]() May Open your eyes! Look up! Something you want is waiting for you, but you’re looking in the wrong places or are telling yourself a false story. A spark of something new has been burning right next to you for a long time but for some reason you haven’t turned to look at it and Stoke it. What will it take for you to see what is waiting for you? I have some suggestions. Change your routine . Start something new. Pay attention to your spiritual life. Make a new friend. Be aware of the story line that’s running in your head about you and your life and what’s possible. Ask the universe for what you really want or pray for it if that is your jam. Remember, the only thing that is known and unchangeable is what has already happened. The future holds literally endless possibilities, but the place you have to start is now. What’s that one change you can do to find your new desire? ❤ Page wands x four of cups ![]() June. June could be absolutely fabulous! For many of us, an important situation is going to wrap up exactly how we wanted it and bring in a new era of well-being and stability. The World card and the Ace of Pentacles are ruling this month. Both of these cards are very powerful. Often times this ace brings a successful healing to a situation that has to deal with either our bodies or our finances or our homes. An Ace is a new road filled with unlimited potential but you have to use your free will to choose to start walking down this road. If you do it, it will change things in your life. If we’re talking about health this means that you commit to a new and positive lifestyle, if you’re talking about money you commit to saving and/or bringing in money. The synergy of this Ace with the World card adds another level of meaning. Sometimes the world part is called the happily ever after card, but it always represents this is the end of a journey. So there’s an added message of it’s time to commit to the new path because the old path has run its course. You learned a lot and now you are in a better place and the new chapter is beginning. The World x Ace of Pentacles ![]() January: This first month of the year starts out on a lively, upbeat note. Some of you will be getting news that makes your heart sing. Maybe your crush likes you too, or someone you have been hoping to hear from reaches out. All of us will be getting some kind of good news in the first few weeks of 2022. The 2nd brings a new moon and that will be a great day to set your hopes and dreams for the new year down on paper. Mid-month, on MLK day, a full moon transitions the energy for the rest of January. Intuition and introspection will be helpful when dealing with any situation or relationship that needs attention. In love, if your intuition is telling you that your special friend or partner isn't being who they really are, listen to that and have a heart to heart. Our society really only values information from either logic or the five senses. That is unfortunate, because an awful lot that goes on between people (and animals and spaces!) is actually invisible and we intuit information correctly. Our intuition is a warp speed massive information machine, and we will be using it in January. knight of cups x high priestess ![]() February: In February some of us are going to be dealing with issues of identity and self-worth...in a good way. By owning who you are and letting others know, in uncertain terms, that you are a unique individual and not just a 'role' or a cog in the machine, you will be victorious. It seems that projection is going to be rife in February. Some of it will be unconscious, and calling it out, with kindness, could actually strengthen a relationship if the other person hears you. But if you run across a situation or relationship where your truth and needs are not being listened to or being acknowledged the cards are saying you have one of three options: 1. radically accept the situation 2. change the situation 3. leave the situation Any of these solutions will ease tension. The thing that some people get stuck in is: not accepting or changing it or leaving it. That will drain you emotionally, psychically and eventually, physically. Let your freak flag fly!!! Because you are totally lovable. 2 of wands x 5 of swords ![]() March: Go ahead, pick all the grapes off the vine and pluck all the pears off the tree if you want! Have a feast. It is your garden. You tilled the soil, planted the trees and tended to it for years. It is early spring and the warmth of the coming months is in the air and you get to have a blast. You have earned it. If you must, demand it! Fun or else. Some of you in newly committed relationships will feel the health and robustness of a connection that is not co-dependent. And others will be working on that issue in other ways. Kindness from and for others will be prevalent in March. Practice being compassionate first in a shitty situation and it may just be a revelation and cause a personal revolution. in a good way. New emotions, juicy and deep, may be bubbling this month. Let them. They are healing. 9 of pentacles x page of cups The Water Tiger Roars in the New Year
A new year approaches and according to Chinese astrology the year of the Water Tiger will begin on February 1, 2022. This year may bring big changes for many people. 2022 will be the perfect year for taking a calculated risk for happiness…in love or money! Many people will be itching for fun and adventure. Love may come out of the blue or suddenly ignite after a period of dormancy. The keyword for 2022 will be: extremes . A Tiger year will affect each animal sign differently. I’ll list the general effect for your sign below. If you don’t know your animal sign click here to find it: https://chinese-year.com/my-zodiac The two signs that will have exceptional luck this year are theTiger’s allies: the Horse and the Dog. Rat: You have a bit of a mixed bag of fortune this year. On one hand career luck may be hard won, but you won’t go broke if you are careful. On the other hand some of you may meet your soulmate this year! Take care of your self and prioritize healthcare. Ox: This will be a great year for you to start a business. Entrepreneurs will be smiled upon, but hard work will be demanded from you. It will pay off in the long run. There won’t be any extraordinary obstacles to love this year, but luck will be with the brave! Don’t be afraid to tell someone you like them. Tiger: This could be a really successful year for Tigers, but it will entail making decisions from a place of hope and strength, not fear. The future shines bright, and you want to make sure that the people you bring with you as you move forward are worth it and truly support you and your goals Rabbit: In contrast to some other signs , the rabbit will have a relatively peaceful year. You will have a stable base to work from and create. Many rabbits will be lucky in love this year…especially if looking for, or are already in , a serious relationship. Dragon: Dragons will be especially blessed in making and deepening friendships this year. They will find a lot of luck through their friends. You may come into more money this year, but could lose it all if you don’t respect it and take care of it. Snake: This could be an important year for snakes. Some may get married or move into a committed relationship, if they are willing to be vulnerable. Self-care is healthcare this year, so pay attention to where your energy goes. Career and money look stable, not stellar. Horse: You may feel a sense of relief once the energy of the year of the Tiger kicks in. This will be a lucky and satisfying 12 months where you will finally see the results of your labors. A new sense of optimism and well being will arrive and this will make you attractive to others. Love is on the horizon. Goat: Wow. 2022 looks like it could be a stellar year for the Goat. Success is likely in career and money …and romance looks promising as well! If you do get lucky, share the wealth and kindness with others and double your fortune. Take care of yourself, though. Try not to burn the candles on both ends. Monkey: The monkey will have exceptional luck this year, especially when it comes to new opportunities to make money. There could be a lot of change this year , so be flexible and new roads will open. Love has a serious bent this year, you will either move closer together or farther apart. Single monkeys could start something significant. Rooster: 2022 may be a more a light hearted and fun year than Roosters have seen in a while. Luck will be sprinkled on everything , lending an ease in everyday life. Some Roosters may find their tribe this year, or at least make a new friend or two. Dogs: Dogs could be lucky in love this year! Romance is abound, but what it turns into, a fling or a ring, remains to be determined. Fun is the keyword this year, but balance it with integrity, too. Money could be up and down in a Tiger year, so have a savings to buffer the lean times. Health outlook is good. Pig: Divine challenges could change the direction of your life this year...in a good way. Depending on your desire and decisions you could be in a totally different place in life in years to come. Joy should come easily and if you have been feeling stagnant...that is about to change. ![]() October. As the new season rolls in, many of us are going to want to be revamping our style and initiating a self-improvement project. Go for it! The two of Wands is here to help you be the absolutely unique One of a Kind creature that you are. This energy is all about owning it. Don't hide, but shine bright! For many of you truly being yourself will connect you in a positive way to other people who are part of your tribe. If that is what you're looking for then it's really important to be honestly who you are in order to find other people that are like-minded and like you. There's a really gentle compassionate energy floating around in October that is combining with your own specialness which helps you connect with others who appreciate you for who you are.... and you appreciate them for who they are. So take all advantage of social opportunities this month. It's likely you'll make new friends and some of you may even find love. 🧡 Compassion is the word on the street because a lot of people have really strong emotions right now and we need to still be able to connect respectfully even if we're coming from different places. 2 Wands x Queen of Cups ![]() November. This November starts on a heavier note but breaks through to better Days in the second half of the month. Many of us are going to be having to come to terms with something from the past that either we've been avoiding or running from. This may be for good reason but there is a point where sometimes we need to just deal with it. We need to repay the debt, whether that's financial or relational, or both. It's going to be really important in November to delegate. If you feel in over your head or stretched too thin you need to ask for help. Because it is there. And as you move through the month we're going to be coming into this fiery Wand energy which really speaks to breaking through something to get to the other side. Interestingly, though some of you are dealing with the past, there are no tools from the past that are really going to be relevant. It's time to operate in a new way and bring in the new day. Don't freak out. This is all good stuff. This is all growth oriented stuff. Stagnation due to avoidance is out and transformation is in! Throw off that camo and let your freak flag fly! 10 of Wands x 9 of Wands ![]() December Busy busy busy! Alot of us are going to be putting a lot of energy into keeping it together, people. The energy that December rolls in with is somewhat frenetic. Self care is healthcare. If you're doing a lot of things that you really want to be doing this can be a very dynamic time... but still could lead to burnout. If you're doing a lot of things you don't want to be doing it will definitely lead to burnout, so pre-plan some resting times for December. There is an undercurrent of some sort of inequality happening for some people right now. The question to be asking yourself if you're in some sort of relationship with someone that doesn't feel fair or has a wonky power structure is: are you the Beggar or the Giver. The position you really don't want to be in is when you're the one doing all the giving and then also begging for a little crumb from someone else. For most of us it's not that dire, it's just a discussion that needs to be had about how you're feeling and that should help clear things up. Honesty and direct communication will go far this month. On the flipside, makes sure you are being thankful and aware of ways you lucky in relationship. But because this energy is a six it really does lend itself to healing and revitalizing and balancing. With a little push, the course will correct and bright days are ahead. 2 of Pentacles x 6 of Pentacles ![]() JULY 2021 The key words as we move through July are clarity and safety. For many of us, we feel like we're finally emerging out of a dusky twighlight and into a sparkly light that is shining on our path. Maybe we can see a little bit farther than we've been able to in the last while. Oftentimes being able to see ahead of us lends us a sense of safety. There's a real optimism about the energy of July. We have gone through a lot and things are now starting to get better. It's really important to feel healthy emotionally in order to be productive. Especially if we want to be productive in an organic way. Our productivity needs to be a balance with the other parts of ourselves and our lives. And it looks like that's a possibility for this month. If we're talking about relationships, clarity and direct communication are going to be really important in July. Sharing inner truth will at least get people onto stronger footing and possibly resolution and cooperation. If things are going well in your relationship life than just a bask in the kiss of the sun ☀️ in the summertime! If you're single, this month is great for getting really clear on what the next relationship you want to bring in is going to look like. For some of you some well-earned cash should be on the way in the form of a raise, a promotion or a new gig. This is not a windfall... it is from your hard work. Mid month on the 23rd of July we have a fabulous full moon in Aquarius. This is going to work really well with that sun card energy in terms of seeing the importance of joy in life and not being tethered to tasks that we just have to do (and busy work.) Lady moon is going to be shouting loud 'all work and no play makes you very dull! ' And by the way, share the workload with others. sun+6 swords+3 stones ![]() August 2021 August starts out with a very powerful energy calling for all of us to listen to our inner voice. Not only do we need to hear that as our primary advice giver this month, but we may not be able to help it. Some things that we've known to be true for a long time, but have been shelving for later, will not be ignored anymore.The first half of August is also a really good time to listen to your hunches and go with what feels right. Prioritizing your own personal truth over other 'truths' out there, will lead many of you to better, more enjoyable experiences this month. Did you know we have a beautiful full moon on August 22nd ? I am going to go out on a limb and say it's actually the best full moon for relationships this year! It's an Aquarius Moon and there's a lightness to it because the moon is rolling with Jupiter and there's just this joyful desire to connect with others and specifically with a special someone👩🏿❤️💋👩🏿. This moon should be wonderful for any relationship but especially for relationships that have recently gone through some bumps or challenges. This Moon, along with the six of wands, is great for those of you who are single!Get out there and reach out for interconnection and you're going to be noticed. It is time to be excited about your sexy future. If we combine all these energies so far, the star-card matrix is prompting us to trust in our own inner compass. Really embrace the feeling that things are getting better and this will put you on a trajectory to a bigger and brighter soul expression. We can always heal our bodies, our minds and the planet, but we have to start with hope and energy. Despair doesn't do a damn bit of good. 🕊️ There is one little blip at the end of the month. This is a situation that will show up for many of you. You're going to be asked to do one of three things with the problematic situation. Either you fully accept it, or you change it or you leave it behind. This could be anything. But many of you probably know what I'm talking about already. (The fourth option that you may fall into by default with this situation is you can't accept it and you can't change it and you aren't leaving it Listen, you don't want to stay stuck like that too long because it will just drain your energy. ) But otherwise outside of this pesky situation the rest of the month looks fabulous. high priestess + six of wands + five of swords ![]() 🟎🟎🟎This is a post by special guest Susan Dumett We are living in uncertain times, and let's face it, we humans have a really hard time living with uncertainty. Some of us are facing real survival-related challenges right now, and being in a state of not knowing can exacerbate the stress of things. Yet, it is also the not knowing that can lead us into deeper strength, attuned insight, inner safety, and ultimately greater certainty--in ourselves and even the greater all that is. As a survivor of more than a few challenging times and things that taxed my mind, energy and nervous system so much that I developed a non-epileptic seizure disorder, I know that the way in is the way out. Exploring the uncomfortableness of stress and uncertainty, releasing habits of avoidance, disrupting the cycle of negative feelings and thoughts before they spiraled together into negative 'what-if' scenarios and tending to my body, mind, and spirit via modalities like energy healing, hypnosis, guided meditation and spiritual practice saved my life. These practices radically changed my life, too. Instead of living days in intense fear and reactivity, I stepped into a realm of security and certainty within myself. My nervous system eased. My thoughts defaulted to inspiration instead of desolation and despair. And my sight--both inner and outer--became more attuned to balance and neutrality, seeing more of all that is, as it is, without attaching drama, meaning, or negative stories to everything. This isn't avoidance or donning rose-colored glasses, it is a true state and practice of presence and energetic tending that can be cultivated and held even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. In your owning your energy, your power and presence, you automatically step into a level of personal certainty and safeness within that is invaluable--and that you have a right to experience. Use these strange times to do that healing and empowerment work that your heart is calling you to do. Intense feelings and energies are a sign that something in your world needs attention. Choose to turn towards it, rather than away--with gentleness, curiosity, an intention of healing as if you were tending to a child or a respected elder. You are more powerful than you realize, and there are many resources online and people, (including me and Xtina), who can help. You are worth it and you (and all that you are) are needed in these times. Please reach out with questions,to sign up for upcoming events and classes online, or to schedule as session. With much love, Susan www.auroramindandenergy.com |
AuthorHello! I am Xtina, an intuitive tarot reader based in the Pacific Northwest. 'Tarot Communique' is a space for my musings, inspirations and whatever else that comes up that I'd like to share! xo Top Blog Posts
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